Troubleshooting why your power might be out

We maintain the network of lines and cables that bring electricity to your boundary. You own and are responsible for the overhead service line or underground cable that brings power from the pole or pillar box at your boundary into your property. You also own and maintain your switchboard and the electrical wiring inside your house.

If you’re experiencing a power outage, here’s what to check so you know who to contact for help:

If you’re in arrears your retailer may have stopped supplying you. Call your retailer to discuss. 

Search your address on our planned outages page to check whether you’re affected by a planned outage today. Planned outages

If there are burn marks, strange smells or a crackling sound coming from your switchboard, don’t touch it and contact us straight away on 0800 27 27 27.

If your power meter is still tracking your electricity usage (the digital display on your smart meter is still working, or the dials on your older-style meter are still ticking over). Call your retailer for next steps. 

If there’s nothing happening on your power meter, the fuse may have blown on the pole or pillar box on your boundary, or you may be part of a wider network outage. Call your retailer or fill in our Report an outage form.

Report an outage

To report an outage you can either call your retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) or fill in the form below. Even if you see your outage on our outage map, you can still report it so that we know you’re affected. If we respond to an outage reported by you that is a fault on your property, not on our network, we may charge your retailer and they may pass that cost on to you.
Region* check Powerco's network areas here

OR enter your ICP number if available

Your unique 15 digit installation number (you'll find it on your power bill)

Description of outage *

Read our privacy policy to learn how we collect, hold, use and share personal information.

What to do during an outage 

If you’re experiencing an outage you should:

  • Turn appliances off (heaters, televisions, ovens) so they don’t come on straight away when your power comes back on.
  • Keep fridge and freezer doors shut as much as possible to help keep the food inside cold.