Working together

We want to work with forest owners to help plan their new forestry plantings, maintain power line clearance and safely harvest forestry blocks near power lines. Working together we can help prevent fires, ensure insurance compliance, minimise costs incurred from damaged power lines and avoid power outages.

New forestry plantings

Landowners are legally required to make sure trees are a safe distance away from overhead lines and we recommend new trees are planted at least 30m away from power lines. This ensures adequate clearance around power lines for fallen branches and trees and keeps tree cutting costs down.

Owners of trees planted within 30m of the power lines that cause damage to our network are responsible for the costs of damages. Any damage to our power lines caused by trees that are planted 30m or more from the power lines will not incur repair costs, provided they are kept well maintained.


Forest harvesting near power lines

If you have power lines on or near your forestry block, we recommend you get in contact with us early when you are planning your harvest. Harvesting within two tree lengths of power lines adds a significant risk to forestry workers and must be closely managed. It is a WorkSafe requirement to complete an Electrical Hazard Management Plan two months prior to harvest. For advice or help completing this form please contact


 Electrical Hazard Management Plan

Carbon forests

If you have, or are planning a carbon forest, near power lines please contact us for advice on planning and plant selection to minimise your costs and maximise your carbon gains.

To find out more about how Powerco can help at all stages of your harvest operation, please contact.
