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Savings – By changing the ad artwork early we saved an estimated $3,800 in click costs
Key takeaways – One clear question to hook our target audience –   Single questions link, Builder? and Scaffolder? Worked performed very well. 
Outlier – The ad Roofing near power lines? Performed better than all the other ads even though it did not use the added single question banner artwork.  What it did have was a clear non-stock photoish photo of a home surrounded by scaffolding with a set of power lines right out front of the house.  A clearly triggering image calling to memory the recent scaffolding accident.   Also, the copy “Roofing near power lines?”  was a different target the “scaffolder”  and “builder”.
Recommendation – Bring the image from AD Y together with the single questions artwork “Roofer?”  and see the ads performance. 
Facebook Impression: 649,959
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