Asset Management Plan 2023

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Powerco’s 10-year electricity Asset Management Plan (AMP 2023) is now available to read.

AMP 2023 outlines how Powerco will continue to meet the changing needs of its customers and communities and provides details on the investment plans the electricity distributor has for its network over the next decade.

That work will focus on how to continue providing reliable and resilient power as Aotearoa decarbonises to meet its net-zero emissions by 2050 goal.

Reaching that goal will see massive investment in the entire electricity industry to meet growing demand, while also ensuring the energy transition is affordable for customers, environmentally sustainable, and continues to provide the reliability of supply customers expect.

Read the AMP

Remaining responsive

While AMP 2023 signals Powerco’s network investment intentions for the next 10 years, events like Cyclone Gabrielle have brought into focus the need to be responsive as major storms and other impacts of climate change are increasingly felt in Aotearoa.

Building more resilient networks and being ready to respond to major events are key and will inform Powerco’s thinking as work to deliver the network investments outlined in the plan progresses.

AMP 2023 in conversation

Watch Powerco CEO James Kilty talk with Head of Network Planning Michael O’Brien about Powerco’s AMP.

Building resilient electricity networks in response to climate change


Enabling a sustainable energy transition through our AMP


James Kilty, Chief Executive Officer

Michael O'Brien, Head of Network Planning