Registrations of Interest closed on Friday 23 April 2021 at 12pm 

Powerco Limited (Powerco) is seeking Registrations of Interest (ROIs) from suitably qualified companies (Respondents) who are interested in delivering network support in the Coromandel region. 

The Coromandel region presents significant challenges in terms of maintaining reliability on feeders supplying sparsely populated areas in what is often remote, difficult-to-access terrain. Investment priorities have focused on improving network security and resilience. 

Powerco is seeking solutions to manage the loading on the sub-transmission lines and zone substations in contingency situations – for example where one sub-transmission circuit experiences an outage coincident with peak load. This is to ensure continued security of supply to the Coromandel region, and to delay or avoid upgrading the sub-transmission lines or zone substation equipment. 

The following high-level steps are anticipated: 

  1. An ROI to identify and shortlist a group of Respondents. 

  2. A selected Request for Proposal (RFP) to shortlisted Respondents. 

  3. An interactive RFP process to encourage innovation and value for money initiatives. 

  4. Negotiation and due diligence stages will be undertaken with Respondents. 

  5. Recommendations developed and approved. 

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