How to reduce dampness in your home from the outside

Dampness can sneak into your home from outside through water leaks and rising damp from the ground. It’s important to manage this because dampness and mould can be harmful to your health, causing more colds, flu, and aggravating asthma and allergies. Here’s how to tackle dampness from the outside.

Tips to reduce dampness outside your home


Clear vegetation
- Remove any plants or obstructions that block sunlight from reaching your house.


Ensure proper ventilation
- Clear anything blocking underfloor vents to allow breezes to dry out the soil under your home.


Prevent soil contact
- Make sure no soil is in direct contact with your house's cladding.


Fix water leaks
- Report any drainage leaks or dripping taps to your landlord, or fix them if you’re the homeowner


Invest in ventilation
- If you own your home, consider installing extractor fans and ground vapour barriers to reduce moisture.


Healthy Homes
The Healthy Homes Standards for rental properties require certain measures to combat dampness. If you are renting go to to find out more.


By taking these steps, you can reduce dampness and create a healthier, more comfortable home environment.  For more guidance and helpful tips visit