Our data quality improvements in 2021-22

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Here’s a snapshot of the work our teams did to collect and update the data we have about our electricity assets over the 2022 financial year (1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022):

  • Our team continued the ongoing work to update information we have in our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) about our low voltage (LV) network. We took the opportunity to check and make any corrections following field crew site checks or outage restorations. We have now checked 78% of our LV network for accuracy.
  • We added information about our circuit breakers that was not already in our core systems.
  • We made our maintenance more efficient by updating our systems with more specific information about our assets, to make it clear which assets can be inspected, and which ones are inaccessible. This reduced wasted trips to sites.
  • We used automation to make it easier to update our asset data – using model types so that data can be auto-populated. That means the data is being entered ‘right first time’ and consistently, regardless of who is entering it into the system.
  • We formalised the ‘conductor library’ in our GIS, to ensure that data we hold about the several hundred different types of electricity conductor (overhead lines and underground cables) in use across our network are entered into our system correctly, using drop-down lists.
  • Our field crews continued to provide feedback on assets incorrectly entered our systems when doing site visits as part of our continuous improvement cycle.
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